In alignment with our Mission to inspire excellence through meaningful relationships, innovation, and collaboration, we invite our stakeholders into a dialogue about what's most important in Livingstone Range School Division.
Within our pillars of Academics, Culture, and Leadership, we want to know from staff, students, parents, and the community what we're doing well, where we can improve, and what matters most when setting budget priorities.
Below is a list of recent stakeholder engagements.
2024 February Student Success Plan Measurement Survey

February 12-19, 2024
Measuring progress toward Career and Life Programming and Off Campus goals in the Student Success Plan 2021-2024.
This survey is now closed.
2024 Granum School 4-Day Week

A 4-day school week is being considered for Granum School, where addressing the issue of declining enrollment has been discussed since December 2022.
Community engagement sessions were held as follows:
- December 12, 2022 - sustainability of Granum School with declining enrollment
- April 27, 2023 - possible programming options (Christian school, Kindergarten to Grade 12, Academy) to attract enrollment
- February 27, 2024 - 4-day school week
Currently, Livingstone Range School Division is working to address concerns and barriers for families of Granum School. In March, a vote will be held by these families to determine if the School will proceed with a 4-day school week in the 2024-2025 school year. For more information see www.granumschool.ca/4dayweek.
2023 November Student Success Plan Measurement Survey

November 1-8, 2023
Measuring progress toward specific goals in the Student Success Plan 2021-2024.
This survey is now closed.
2023 Measurable Results Assessment

Spring 2023
Annual measurement of progress in attaining our leadership, culture, and academic goals.

May 10-19, 2023
Measuring progress toward specific goals in the Student Success Plan 2021-2024.
This survey is now closed.
Nanton Schools Engagement

During the 2022-2023 school year the Board of Trustees has engaged with the stakeholders of the Nanton community regarding a new and a modernized school in Nanton.
The Nanton Schools Advisory Commitee is comprised of LRSD Trustees and elected officials from the Town of Nanton, M.D. of Ranchland, and M.D. of Willow Creek. The purpose of the Committee is to advise the LRSD Board of Trustees relative to the new construction and/or modernization, programming, and community partnerships at Nanton schools.
Granum School Engagement

During the 2022-2023 school year, the Board of Trustees has engaged Granum School stakeholders through public meetings to explore the future of the school.
The Granum School Advisory Committee is comprised of LRSD Trustees and two elected officials from the M.D. of Willow Creek. The purpose of the Committee is to advise the LRSD Board of Trustees relative to keeping Granum School a viable part of the Granum community.
Visit www.granumschool.ca for future engagement opportunities.
Budget Priorities (November 2022 Survey)

"It is anticipated that the future education funding from the province will be inadequate to sustain current programming and staffing levels. Despite changes to our funding, high-quality education for students remains a top priority in LRSD as we pursue our vision of 'Every student, every day.' We ask staff and parents/guardians to provide input on setting priorities. Your ideas and responses will be taken into consideration as we allocate resources over the next few years."
This survey is now closed.
Future School Year Calendars (October 2022 Survey)

October 11-17, 2022
Help us develop future school year calendars! Share your thoughts about when days off are scheduled and innovative ways to find efficiencies. Your feedback is anonymous and will help us as we develop the Livingstone Range School Division calendars for the next two years.
This survey is now closed.
Student Success Plan Measurement Survey 2022

May 11-20, 2022
Measuring progress toward specific goals in the Student Success Plan 2021-2024.
This survey is now closed.
Help us Name the Crowsnest Pass Site

March 1-14, 2022
What name(s) do you think would best reflect this unique facility and its place-based programming?
This submission opportunity is now closed.
Honoring Truth & Reconciliation

September 3-20, 2021
"What are some ways we can honor and support Truth and Reconciliation throughout the year?"
This exchange is now closed.
Successes to Continue

June 1-6, 2021
"Reflecting on this challenging school year during the COVID-19 pandemic and planning for next year, what successes have you seen in our schools that we should seek to continue?"
This exchange is now closed.
View the Staff/Parent Summary Report
Student Success

February 8-14, 2021
"In addition to academic achievement, how do you define student success in Livingstone Range School Division?"
This exchange is now closed.
School Year Calendars

November 23-27, 2020
"What are the most important factors that should be considered when creating the school year calendar?"
This exchange is now closed.
Budget & Educational Plan Survey

March 12-22, 2020
"We want students, parents, and staff to provide input on setting priorities. What is important to you? Where do you believe dollars will be best spent? What are the key areas we should consider as we work on our 2020-2021 budget and review our 3-Year Educational Plan?"