Snow Day Bus or School Cancellation

Where weather such as snow or even wind makes getting to and from school hazardous, Livingstone Range School Division follows these steps to determine bus or school cancellation.
- Our Transportation Department assess travel safety by looking at road conditions and visibility; temperature and wind chill; reports from bus drivers; weather warnings; and RCMP travel advisories.
- Buses are cancelled only when it is determined that it is unsafe for bus operators to transport students. Buses are cancelled on a route-by-route basis. Just because one bus in an area is cancelled does not mean that others are. Click the bus icon on our website for more information.
- When the decision is made to not operate a bus route, the bus driver will notify parents on that route. Route status is regularly updated on the Division website. Even if buses are cancelled, schools may remain open and teachers will still provide meaningful instruction to students in attendance.
- Parents always have the right to make the final decision about whether or not to send their child to school. Safe transportation to and from school is the parent's responsibility when buses are not running. Ensuring children are suitably dressed for the weather is always a parent's responsibility.
- When school closures occur, we will do our best to notify families as soon as possible. We will use our websites, social media channels, and automated messaging system to inform families. Please check these resources before sending your child to school.