Regional School Council
Regional School Council Newsletters
Regional School Council Meeting Videos
- Communication
- Sharing
- Mentoring
- Networking
- Sharing relevent information, continuous improvement, becoming “informed” (professional development)
- Partnering, working together
- Promote Regional School Council through school councils.
- Agendas and minutes will be available to all schools and school councils.
- Facilitate communication between school councils (share email, etc)
- Develop a brochure to share the Terms of Reference information – mission, purpose, etc.
- To increase awareness of Regional School Council
- One representative from each of the school councils in LRSD.
- Board of Trustees
- Representatives from LRSD senior management
- General membership (who have a child in LRSD schools)
- Invited guests
- School administrators
Roles and Responsibilities
Chair Person
School Administrators
Decision Making Process
- Only school council members may vote
- One school = one vote
- Quorum = 9 school councils
- Trustees, central office staff and school administrators will not vote.
- Decisions will be made in a collaborative manner.
- Decisions will be made by a majority vote (50% + 1)
- Promote Regional School Council through school councils
- Agendas and minutes will be available to all schools and school councils.
- Facilitate communication between school councils (share email, etc)
- Develop a brochure to share the Terms of Reference information – mission, purpose, etc.
- To increase awareness of Regional School Council