Off Campus
Off-campus programming (Work Experience, Green Certificate Program, and Registered Apprenticeship Program) allows students to earn high school credits while gaining valuable hands-on experience that will help them in careers after graduation.
All Off Campus programs have prerequisite course requirements (available with LRSD) and all programs require signed documentation and approval in writing.
To apply for any of these programs and for more information, contact your school's Off Campus Coordinator.
Work Experience

Make the most of a part-time job or volunteering while in high school. Through Work Experience 15, 25, and 35, Grade 10-12 students can earn up to 15 high school credits while working or providing unpaid work, discover career interests and aptitudes, and increase their personal development and employability skills. Some pertinent guidelines for work experience include:
- Prerequisite course: HCS3000 (Workplace Safety)
- Students must be at least 15 years old and at least in grade 10
- Retroactive hours towards credits are not permitted
- All worksites are subject to approval by LRSD
- An "Off Campus Agreement Form" must be signed by parents and the site supervisor (this form available after consultation with the school Off Campus Coordinator), before the work experience can start
Contact your Off Campus Coordinator or fill out this Google form expressing interest.
Green Certificate Program

The Green Certificate Program is a hands-on agricultural training program. Grade 10-12 students work and learn on the agricultural worksite under the direction of an experienced trainer, and can earn up to 16 credits toward graduation. The Green Certificate credential could lead to a thriving career in agriculture or agri-business. Choose from 11 different streams:
- Beekeeper
- Cow-calf beef
- Dairy
- Equine
- Feedlot beef
- Field crop
- Greenhouse
- Irrigated field crop
- Poultry (Broiler Chicken, Broiler hatching egg, Table egg, Turkey)
- Sheep
- Swine
Applications to enroll in the Green Certificate program are available online or with your Off Campus Coordinator. Highlights of the Green Certificate program include:
- Prerequisite course: AGR3000 (Agriculture Safety)
- Students can train at their home place, with neighbors, or at the agricultural site they work in with LRSD approval
- Students are tested at Lethbridge Polytechnic during regular school days, with an "interview style" assessment and no written exams
Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP)

High school students interested in pursuing a career in the trades can get a head start with the Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP). While earning money, students also earn up to 40 high school credits toward graduation and up to 1000 hours towards their first year's required hours of apprenticeship. To qualify for the RAP program the following apply:
- Prerequisite course: HCS3000 (Workplace Safety)
- Students must be at least 15 years old and in grade 10 or higher
- Students are employed, supervised, and sponsored by a company employing at least one certified Journeyperson and which is compliant with the RAP standards as set by Alberta Education. Students must be employed prior to entering RAP. The Off Campus Coordinator can help you find employment prior to registering in RAP.
- Students must commit to at least 125 hours of on-site training during high school.
- Students must apply for Blue Book status with Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training (AIT). This is done on the "My Trade Secrets" website and your school's Off Campus Coordinator can help.
For more information, contact:
Rob Charchun
Off Campus Coordinator for J.T. Foster High School, Willow Creek Composite High School, and F.P. Walshe School, as well as Outreach and Virtual School students.
Phone: (403) 682-9881
Eliza Grose
Off Campus Coordinator for Matthew Halton High School, Livingstone School, and Crowsnest Consolidated High School, as well as for Outreach and Virtual School students.
Phone: (403) 627-9489