Student Scholarship & Internship Winners
Posted onThere are exciting things happening for Livingstone Range School Division high school students and we want to celebrate!
Matthew Halton High School student Dalton Bonertz (pictured top right) is the recipient of the Trevor H. Shirtliff Difference Maker Scholarship. Nominees work diligently to improve and strengthen the quality of life for themselves, their peers, and their community. Dalton was nominated for this award by Career Practitioner Christina Bazell who says that "Dalton is a champion for the environment and social change. He is always ready to help and provide mentorship both at school and in the community." Congratulations to Dalton!
Two LRSD grade 11 students, Thomas Schmidt-Bellach (pictured top left) at J.T. Foster and Dakota VanLangen (pictured bottom) at Willow Creek Composite, have both been offered an incredible opportunity for a PAID research internship this summer. Thomas has been accepted to the High School Youth Research Summer (HYRS) program at the University of Calgary and Dakota has been offered a spot in the University of Lethbridge's HYRS program.
The HYRS (High School Youth Research Summer Program) program is a 6-week paid ($3000) internship for motivated Grade 11 students in Alberta high schools to gain first-hand experience with biomedical and health research, and to introduce them to career opportunities in research. Students are accepted into the program with an average of 85% standing in each of Math-20-1 or 20-2, Biology 20, and one other grade 11 science. Please get in touch with your school's Career Practitioner if you would like to apply for this opportunity next year!
Congratulations to these students on their achievements!