Summer Reading Program
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Grade 1 to 3 students from elementary schools across Livingstone Range School Division will get a boost in their reading this summer. Approximately 50 students will be nominated by their teacher and school administrator to participate in a virtual reading program designed to increase their reading fluency and comprehension and encourage a love of reading.
The students will participate for 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week during part of the summer. The reading program is led by a certificated teacher who will work with small groups as well as one-on-one with students to specifically target a student's reading needs to help them improve their skill level.
Tara Tanner, LRSD Pursuits Virtual School Principal, says that the program will benefit these young learners. "The goal of the program is to help students who are needing a bit of extra support in reading increase their reading fluency and comprehension," says Tara.
Having students participate in a summer reading program will help to maintain their current reading level as they move into the next grade in the fall. As students regularly read and gain confidence, their enjoyment of reading will also grow.
"We hope to foster a love of reading for the students through engaging them in dynamic activities and conversations about what they are reading as a part of the program," says Tara.
There are many excellent resources that all parents can access during the summer to help their child continue to grow. Here are some to get you started: